If you are just starting out in the world of BDSM, you may have the wrong expectation, leading you to think you can just walk into a dungeon, and find someone to do a scene with. In BDSM, this is referred to as "pickup play", and unfortunately, it's not very common. The thing is, a BDSM scene typically requires some planning, so most of them are planned days or even weeks in advance, and are done between tops and bottoms that already have established some level of relationship already. There are folks who are OK (or even prefer) with pickup play, but those may not be easy to find, and frankly, I don't really recommend it. One challenge with pick-up play is the fact that it can be dangerous. In another post I discussed some of the health-related challenged with BDSM play, and the problem with pick-up play is that it may not leave enough time for the players to properly get acquainted and negotiate the content of the scene thoroughly enough. My advice for newbies is...