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Bag of all tricks

If being a BDSM top is your thing, you might have already obtained your first flogger, cane, whip or similar instrument. However, as your new hobby develops and grows, you might quickly find yourself having a sizeable collection of tools, and this begs the question…where are you going to put them? Obviously, there’s no shortage of bags, suitcases and other storage solutions on the market. But finding one that’s really optimal for this sort of thing isn’t that easy. Ultimately, any bag will do the job, but if you just use some random gym bag or kit bag, it might make it difficult to pull out the tools when going into a scene, or make it difficult to re-organize it afterwards. The good news is that there are several solutions on the market that could be ideal for this sort of thing, and the better news is that these don’t have to cost a fortune!

My ideal storage solution for my tools is an aluminum case, because they are fairly light, affordable, and protect the content very well. There are plenty of such cases available, both online and in stores, and they come in many sizes and styles. One case I really liked was at Harbor Freight tools, and I liked it as it’s quite large and not very expensive (30$ if you use one of their 25% off coupons), and also offers a built-in combination lock, which would be helpful if you have kids running around where the bag is. Another solution I really liked is this set from Amazon. This is actually a BBQ set of tools, that come in an aluminum case and costs $30. The idea is to dump the original grilling tools (or just put them somewhere else) and use the loops that are installed in the case to store your BDSM tools. The case is 17.7” by 9.4” by 3”, which accommodates a sizeable selection of tools, and is very easy to carry. It is also fairly impressive-looking.

If you are a fan of floggers, dragon-tails, whips and other tools that are much longer than 18”, you might consider getting a Microphone-stand case. For example, this one is 32” long, which is suitable for holding most long tools without folding. It’s 5”x5” in width and height, so you will be able to fit 3-5 items in there easily. Need more space? This item offers several sizes up to 58x10x5, all for less than $30. One thing to note about this type of bag is that they are usually soft, so if you are storing mostly soft items like floggers, you should cut a piece of plywood and put it in the case to give it a ‘spine’ and make it easier to carry.

If you’d rather not spend so much, then Goodwill and other thrift stores come to mine. Most of the items you would find there aren’t in very good condition, and it’s unlikely that you’ll find exactly what you want there. However, what’s very easy to find at thrift stores are golf bags, and those are often very suitable for BDSM equipment (the challenge might be cleaning out the bag properly). You can also find plenty of aluminum cases, and even if you find one that doesn’t have any built-in loops for storing tools (or if they don’t fit well), you could easily add them by purchasing Velcro cable ties such as these, and just glue them to the case’s surface. Put some contact-glue in the middle of the Velcro tie, and once that’s hardened, you can use it to fasten anything to-place.

If all the above aren’t just quite right, and you have a good budget, I would also suggest visiting sports equipment stores, and music stores. Both sell many types of equipment that requires storage (such as Baseball bats and large musical instruments) and will thus offer a selection of storage bags and cases. The prices might be exorbitant, but you’ll probably not find anything quite as high-quality and stylish otherwise!


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