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If you saw the rotating ring on this site’s banner and wondered what it was, this is known as the BDSM Triskelion. A triskelion is triple spiral shape that has rotational symmetry, and there are many variations to it, used all over the world. The specific version used in my banner has been associated with the BDSM community, and is a combination of the spiral and the Yin-Yang symbol. This exemplifies the 3 main parts of BDSM culture – BD, DS and SM (Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, Sadism & Masochism) and how they mesh as part of our lifestyle.

The BDSM Triskelion and designs that are derived from it are featured prominently on many BDSM items, as well as into logos and flags of BDSM related businesses and organizations. However, most of the population isn’t aware of that connotation, which makes it a pretty good way to signal to others that you are part of the lifestyle. That could be in the form of the symbol printed on a shirt or other clothing item, or etched on a piece of jewelry, for example.

Personally, I like to wear the symbol on a ring, which I had custom-made for me by Tim, a merchant on Etsy. I had Tim etch the Triskelion in white on a black ring, and it’s nice because while at work, I can rotate the ring to have the symbol inwards, and rotate it out when going out in public. Another item I had custom made is a T-shirt with the symbol printed, which I got for about $12 (inc. shipping) from an eBay seller by searching for “custom t-shirt”. I provided the Triskelion image in PNG form and got the shirt pretty quick.

Another identification system common both in BDSM as well as in the LGBTQ community and sex-positive community is the Handkerchief code. The hanky code consists of placing a colored handkerchief, or multiple handkerchiefs in one’s back-pockets (although they can also be worn in other places, such as one’s wrists). For example, wearing a black hanky indicates the wearer is into BDSM, while a grey one indicates the wearer is interested in bondage. Other than the color, the placement of the hanky is also key for one’s disposition, where the left side of the body indicates you are a “top”, and the right side is the opposite.

Hanky code has been around for many years, and over time, evolved from a handful of simple colors to a huge list of options and variations. For example, a yellow hanky with white stripes indicates the wearer is attracted to an oriental/Asian partner. The extended list even includes extra items, such as using a Teddy bear to indicate one is into cuddling. Naturally, many don’t know the whole list by-heart, and some colors or combos aren’t universally agreed-upon in the community, so this system isn’t without faults. However, it has served us well for many years.


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